Short & Sweet
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Wife of nearly 14 yrs to my best friend, Mother of 4 beautiful children, keeper to 6 furbabies! I have been a dabbler in the Paint Shop Pro world for a couple years seriously now I guess,... and have learned many things through some wonderful friends!!
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Monday, May 9, 2011

PostHeaderIcon I'm alive!

I thought I'd pop over and post a little blurb. Of late, I've just been SOOOO bored with sitting on the computer. I hardly do much on here these days. I pop into Woot! to see what great deal they have for the day,.... I will pop into Subeta and see if there's anything fun going on,.... and of course Facebook,... but that's like IT.  I only just updated my personal blog this morning,.... I slack there as well.  

The PSP bug has just totally left me,... but I'm not gone for good.  I hope that something happens soon and I'm wanting to play again.  Sometimes I miss it, and open PSP and nothing happens.  Or sometimes I mess around with my photos.  I have an at home RL project going on,.... and I'm reading lots.  Other than that,... I'm just here :o)  I hope everyone in the PSP world is doing well and staying creative!!  Keep an eye half open for me,... I might surprise you and pop back into things again.

With that,.... have a lovely Spring and or Summer if I don't return before then!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Something New!

I thought I would try something new and create some overlays for Thanksgiving.  Just a few little goodies.  There are only 4 in this set, think they turned out pretty good for just goofing around today.

I've decided to make these okay for CU/PU as well.  I have added a revision on my TOU so there shouldn't be any confusion.  Hope you enjoy!!! Leave me some lovin if you download!! Love to see/hear what people think.
Thanks for looking!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

PostHeaderIcon New Templates!

I've just whipped up two new templates!! Join Crafty Chicks today and you can download them right now!!

Thanks for looking!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Mask Freebie

I thought I was going to make a set of Fall masks,... but sadly I ended up only with the one. Since it's been a good week,... I figured eh, I'll just go ahead and post it now and maybe I'll work on a set of nice masks later on for download!


Monday, November 1, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Crafty Chicks Collaboration

If you join Crafty Chicks, you'll be able to download my latest freebie from our scrap kit collaboration, not to mention all the other lovely kits that were made in October!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Masks!

So, last night while sitting here,... chatting away to the lovely Joanne, she nudged me just enough to go ahead and give mask making a try..... I thought well, surely I can manage to make ONE mask that looks decent enough to use????  Keep in mind that these are the very first ever masks I've ever made,..... be gentle :o)  I hope they're usable and hope to see some tags made with them,.... however, if you're at all interested in these, you need to pop in and grab them from The Crafty Chicks forum.  We're always welcoming new faces to our group!!  Hope to see you there!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Showing Off!!

I'm so excited to share the tags that were made using my new kit!! The talented girls over at Crafty Chicks just amaze me!  It's always so much fun to see the different ideas that happen from a kit like this. 

Thank you all for letting me share your work here!!!

Tag by Crystal

Tag by Kristen

Tag by Anita

Tag by Whippy

Tag by Sue

Tag by Joanne

Tag by SexyAsh

Tag by StacyLynn

Tag by Sevillaaa

Tag by Chilly
Tag by Elisa1970

Thank you ladies again, LOVE the tags!!! If you have a blog and want it linked here, please let me know!



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