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Wife of nearly 14 yrs to my best friend, Mother of 4 beautiful children, keeper to 6 furbabies! I have been a dabbler in the Paint Shop Pro world for a couple years seriously now I guess,... and have learned many things through some wonderful friends!!
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Summer is nearly here!

With that comes a couple of months of NO SCHOOL!!! Yeah, I am excited. I hope to get some more stuff going here. I've had the itch to work on more kits, some templates etc,.... so stay tuned!

I must say I really REALLY suck at making templates, but I had to attempt one for Cherished Angels.

This is a Cherished Angel *cough* exclusive *cough* Yeah, she's a beaut huh??? I know, I know,... wipe the tears from your eyes.... you can quit laughing now.

One thing is for sure, if you pop over to Cherished Angels awesome blog, you'll find some really GREAT templates made by our talented ladies!! Maybe you'll be interested enough to pop into our forum and take a look around and well, stay awhile!?!

See ya there!
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